Why schools are hiring Edudone?

The brand

Your school is important, book your brand in the store.


From home, field trips or from the school.


Automatic synchronization with your educational platform.


Synchronized with your database. No duplication.


Corrects the erroneous mobile phones from your database.

New Clients

Manages and increases new registrations.


Paperless signing consents.

All in one

Your website, your educational platform and your social networks with your brand.

No spam

Send to a person or a group. Reach everyone.


Know who reads the messages.

Mobile collection

Immediate payment of any activity.

Mobile brand

Reserve a space for your brand in the parent’s mobil./p>

¿Qué es Edudone?

Creamos un canal de comunicación instantáneo, sin spam y permanente entre
tu colegio y los padres a través del móvil. Una APP con tu propia marca y con estadí­sticas de uso de los padres.
Creamos un canal de comunicación instantáneo, sin spam y permanente entre
tu colegio y los padres a través del móvil. Una APP con tu propia marca y con estadí­sticas de uso de los padres.
¡Tu propio canal!
Creamos a través de una APP móvil inteligente, tu propio canal de comunicación, con tu marca, solo para ti.

And also…



Automatically identify your clients without mobile APP, so you can optionally send an SMS. Our SMS service includes pdf, pictures or videos without much cost. No one is left without knowing your stories.



If you want to do mass mailings, you can use this service. We identify customers without APP yours and you can send them the information they consider massively.

Teldar Capital SL

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